Dragon Ball Z Super Butoden 1 - -Hidden Characters- Hold down L,R,A,B,X,Y and rotate the d-pad in a clckwise direction. You will hear Goku's voice if you get it right. -CPU Control- Pause the game during the Tenkaichi-Budokai mode and press A+B+X+Y. You will hear a sound to confirm the code if done correctly. Dragon Ball Z Super Butoden 2 - -Unlock Goku & Brolly- Press up,x,down,b,l,y,r,a when you see Goku's hands flying towards the tower. Brolly will say Kakarott if done right. -Turbo Mode- Hold down L&R on controller 2 when you start the game. The music will be different if done correctly. -Ant Mode- Press down many times and continue doing it until you hear a sound. Do it when the 2 characters are talking to each other. -Forfeit Match- Hold Y+X+B+A and press SELECT during gameplay. Dragon Ball Z Super Butoden 3- -Unlock Future Trunks- press up,x,down,b,l,y,r,a when you see Vegeta or Goku's face. You will hear a zap sound to confirm the code. -Power Level Adjust-type these in when the characters are speaking to each other... 1.up,L,down,Y 2.left,L,R,right 3.down,x,up,R 4.L,R,up,down,y,x,left,right 5.up,L,up,R,up,y,up,x 6.left,R,up,x,right,y,down,L |